Map of Ouestmia

This coastal nation, known for its wet climate and lush forests, is predominantly inhabitted by elves. While human traders and explorers from eastern nations have influenced much of the mainland's culture, traditional Elven customs have been preserved on its islands and the tips of its peninsulas. The country's economy prospers due to its strong agriculture, lumber, and fishing industries as well as its ability to ship goods overseas. 80% of goods shipped to and from Ouestmia across the Sea of Light pass through Oakvale.
The Greate Stone Forest
Once an impoverished Clypean province situated in the foothills of Mount Kragstrum, Teluria declared its independence in 1165. Since then this military powerhouse has expanded its territory north across the Naian River, logging half of the fey forest, as well as east into Byne, enslaving many of its halfling residents. Three years ago it annexed the small nation of Uruk, attracted by its militarily and economicly advantagous location in the mountain pass to Ilane.