BioEarly LifeGroutt was born and raised in a fighting pit in a city called The Pitt. At a young age, he saw his mother killed in battle. His only chance of escaping the pit was to slay his peers in a gladiator style battle.Groutt trained extensively to become a great and mighty warrior. But there was another fighter in the pit who was bigger and better than Groutt. He had no hope of defeating this other fighter in battle. But Groutt had a secret advantage: everytime a moon was full, he would turn into a mouse. One night while he was in mouse form, he climbed onto a chandelier and cut the ropes holding it up. It landed on top of Groutt's biggest competition, crushing him to death. PersonalityGroutt is rash and abrasive. He always looks for the most straight forward answer to a problem, which for him usually involves violence. He usually acts first and asks questions never, quickly making decisions without much reason or forethought.MotivationsGroutt's main goal is cure his lycanthropy. Turning into a tiny mouse once or twice a week can be quite embarassing for a man of his stature. He has a recipe for a potion that will prevent a transformation. but he needs a more permanent solution. Because next summer solstice when all three moons are full, he will be transifgured into a mouse forever.AppearanceWith green skin and muscles larger than any human's, Groutt looks very intimidating. He got a tattoo and a septum piercing while in the pit. On top of his bald head, he wears a platinum blonde wig made of his friend Kyna le Fey's hair. |